The Nub
Considered a true innovation in cigar rolling, Nub is a line of short, stout and well-filled smokes blended to capture the perfect essence of a cigar. These cigars are made by hand with densely packed long filler, allowing each stick to burn slowly while maintaining a smoking time comparable to conventional sizes ranging from a robusto up to a Churchill. They last around an hour.
Showing 1–12 of 14 results
Nub Cigar Sampler
£185.00Buy nowNUB Maduro Torpedo 464
£580.00Buy nowNUB Maduro Tubos 460
£320.00Buy nowNUB Maduro 460
£597.50Buy nowNUB Cameroon 358
£19.95 – £445.00Buy nowThis product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product pageNUB Cameroon 460
£510.00Buy nowNUB Sungrown 358
£497.50Buy nowNUB Sungrown 460
£595.00Buy nowNUB Sungrown Torpedo 464
£540.00Buy nowNUB Sungrown 466
£625.00Buy nowNUB Connecticut 354
£425.00Buy nowNUB Connecticut 358
£470.00Buy now