Machine made Cigars
Machine made Cigars come from all around the world. The tobaccos are grown as far afield as Cuba, Sumatra, Cameroon, Brazil and Sri Lanka. These cigars are also known as short filler. They are normally made from short pieces of chopped leaf. These are then machine bunched and machine finished.
At The Cigar Club we have deliberately not sourced some of the more popular high volume cigars available in the UK market. Instead, we have focused providing our customer with a selection of cigars that offer exceptional value for money and a variety of size and flavours. From the Montecristo Mini to the Agio Meharis we think we have the best range available to the discerning customer. Cuban Minis are made from the same magnificent tobacco as their illustrious long filler counterparts. Villiger cigars despite manufacturing a staggering 9,000,000 cigars a month have a deserved reputation for quality and value.
Many of our machine made cigars, including our Cuban cigars, offer Free Postage and we pride ourselves on the competitiveness of our pricing. We will happily price match any UK based duty paid UK prices.
When you buy a cigar from The Cigar Club you are buying into over 50 years of trading experience. Everything we dispatch is checked for quality.