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Over 50 years trading experience

Montecristo Cigars

Montecristo is undeniably the most famous and bestselling Cuban cigar brand in the world. Established in 1935, its name and identity were inspired by the Alexander Dumas novel, which was read aloud to the cigar rollers (Torcedores) while they worked. The brand was co-founded by Pepe Garcia and Alonzo Menendez, two iconic figures in the cigar world. Through their dedication to quality and innovative marketing, Montecristo quickly rose to the pinnacle of Cuban cigars.

Montecristo Cigars: The Gold Standard of Cuban Excellence

The iconic crossed swords logo was introduced in the UK by John Hunter Morris & Elkan Company Ltd, now known as Hunters & Frankau Ltd, the exclusive importer of Montecristo cigars into the UK. Every box bears the prestigious EMS (English Market Selection) stamp, ensuring superior quality and authenticity.

Montecristo cigars are renowned for their mellow yet complex flavour profile, crafted using expertly blended tobacco leaves from the legendary Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba. Known for their medium to full-bodied flavours, these cigars offer smooth notes of cedar, chocolate, and coffee, with hints of spice and a rich, creamy finish. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or new to cigars, Montecristo’s flavour is a perfect match for any occasion.

Among its standout cigars is the Montecristo No. 4 (Petit Corona), the world’s bestselling Cuban cigar. Recently, the brand has expanded its range to include larger gauge cigars like the Edmundos, which highlight the subtle, nuanced flavours Montecristo is known for.

When you purchase a cigar from The Cigar Club, you’re investing in over 50 years of expertise. Each cigar is meticulously checked for quality before dispatch, and every Havana cigar comes with the EMS stamp, ensuring both provenance and excellence.

Experience the timeless sophistication of Montecristo—a brand that continues to set the standard for Cuban cigars.

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