At The Cigar Club, we pride ourselves on being a one-stop destination for cigar enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned connoisseur seeking the finest cigars from around the world or a newcomer just beginning your journey of discovery, we are here to help and advise you every step of the way.
Our extensive selection features premium cigars sourced from the most renowned regions, including Cuba, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic, as well as the best quality Machine Made Cigars.
We stock an impressive range of celebrated brands such as Cohiba, Partagas, and Montecristo, known for their exceptional quality and rich heritage. Each flavoured cigar in our collection has been carefully chosen to ensure that you experience the finest offerings in the world of cigars online.
Explore Our Premium Selection of Handcrafted Cigars Online
In addition to our standard selections, we also carry a remarkable variety of Limited Edition Cigars and UK Regional Edition Cigars. These exclusive products are available in very limited quantities, making them a must-have for collectors and aficionados alike.
When you buy a cigar from The Cigar Club you’re not just buying a product; you’re investing in over 50 years of trading experience. Our commitment to quality means that every cigar we dispatch is meticulously checked to ensure it meets our high standards. All our Havana cigars bear the EMS (English Market Selection) Stamp of excellence. This guarantees both provenance and quality.
We understand that choosing the right cigar can be overwhelming, which is why our knowledgeable team is always on hand to provide tailored recommendations based on your preferences. Whether you seek a robust, full-bodied smoke or a smoother, more mellow option, we have something for everyone.
Explore our extensive range and elevate your cigar experience with The Cigar Club. Join us and discover the exceptional world of cigars, where quality and passion come together in every puff.
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Machine Made Cigars
Our short filler cigars are expertly crafted using chopped leaf pieces, machine bunched, and machine finished. Discover a world of machine made cigars sourced from diverse tobacco regions such as Cuba, Sumatra, Cameroon, Brazil, and Sri Lanka.